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肠道菌群是一个庞大复杂的生态系统,它占全身菌群总数80%左右,被称为人体的“第二基因组”。从2006年第一个Human gut Microbiome项目的启动,到2010年欧盟MetaHIT计划(人体肠道宏基因组计划),到2019年“百万微生态”国际合作计划(MMHP),展现了全球对肠道菌群关注度的提升。









    Nature communications | A genome and gene catalog of the aquatic microbiomes of the Tibetan Plateau
    In April 2024, Professor Zheng Hao from Kunming University of Science and Technology, in collaboration with MGI and other institutions, published an article titled "Identification of the mutual gliding locus as a factor for gut colonization in non-native bee hosts using ARTP mutagenesis" in the journal Microbiome. The study employed atmospheric and room temperature plasma (ARTP) mutagenesis, metagenomic sequencing, amplicon sequencing, and colony expansion assays. It revealed that mutations in the mglB gene, encoding the mutual gliding motility protein B, provide Snodgrassella strains with a competitive advantage in gut colonization of non-native hosts, suggesting a potential role of T4P-dependent cell motility in establishing microbiota-host association. This research elucidates the genetic mechanisms of gut colonization by Snodgrassella strains in non-native hosts and offers an experimental framework for future studies on host-microbe interactions. The project utilized the DNBSEQ-E25 sequencing platform from MGI for amplicon sequencing of the mutation region in the mglB gene, further validating the results of microbial competition assays.

    Nature Communications | A robust yeast biocontainment system with two-layered regulation switch dependent on unnatural amino acid
    Synthetic auxotrophy in which cell viability depends on the presence of an unnatural amino acid (unAA) provides a powerful strategy to restrict unwanted propagation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in open environments and potentially prevent industrial espionage. On October 14th, 2023, the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, BGI Research, and the Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory, among others, jointly published an article titled "A Robust Yeast Biocontainment System with Two-Layered Regulation Switch Dependent on Unnatural Amino Acid" in Nature Communications. This publication underscores that the utilization of their multiplex safeguard system could restrict the proliferation of strains of interest in a real fermentation scenario, highlighting the great potential of yeast biocontainment strategy to protect the industrial proprietary strains.

    LWT | Evaluation of the safety and probiotic properties of Lactobacillus gasseri LGZ1029 based on whole genome analysis
    South China University of Technology published an article titled "Evaluation of the safety and probiotic properties of Lactobacillus gasseri LGZ1029 based on whole genome analysis" in LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. The team reported the complete genome sequence of L. gasseri LGZ1029, which comprised 2,027,325 base pairs encoding 2005 genes, with an average G + C content of 35.06%. Their analysis of genes related to antibiotic resistance, virulence factors, and harmful metabolite production led them to speculate on the safety of L. gasseri LGZ1029. Furthermore, genome mining revealed the presence of a complete plnABCD operon, suggesting its potential to produce antimicrobial bacteriocins. Stress-related genes indicated favorable gastrointestinal tolerance, bacteriostatic abilities, and antioxidant activity, all indicative of excellent probiotic characteristics, positioning L. gasseri LGZ1029 as a promising probiotic candidate.
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